
Parker Brothers Wildfire Pinball

   In 1979 Parker Brothers released Wildfire, The Electronic Pinball Game. It was created by the same gentleman who created the MerlinBob Doyle. Wildfire runs on a whopping 6 AA batteries or optionally on a 9v ac adapter that was not included, but could be ordered through a mail in coupon offer for about 10 dollars.
   Gameplay is pretty standard pinball action. You have four flippers controlled by two buttons on the sides of the game. The button on the lower right of the unit powers up and then launches the ball based on how long you hold it down. The score is kept on a red digital screen at the top of the game. The power switch on the right allows you to choose soft or loud sound effects, but no choice for silence. The game has 3 modes of difficulty which affect the speed of the ball. Up to 4 players can play the game together.

   This game and I go way back. I don't remember how old I was but I used to own it as a child and loved it. I'm guessing I had a later model because I was only two years old in 79, and this game would have obviously been to difficult to play. I recently purchased a used one(pictured) off ebay for a very fair price. I loved this game and used to play it nonstop. I'm not sure what happened to my original, it just sort of disappeared like all my favorite games. The fact that no sound is no option makes me suspect my mom may have made this one disappear in order to maintain her sanity.