
The Real Waterworks, During the Day.

This is our second trip. This time we actually made it to the water works. There was one large building and then a smaller building that seemed like a small power station. After that we headed back to the lock to get some daytime shots. I was really pleased with the "building in the woods" shots. To see larger, better quality pics, click the slideshow.  Enjoy.


A Late Night Trip to the Water Works

  I got home from work and was feeling antsy. It's fourth of July weekend and I'm working most of it, so I wanted to go out and do something. The wife had to work so I called up the irasian to see what he doing. He was bored too, so we decided to go check out an abandonment. The chosen spot was an old water works near a local river.
  We started out and the directions were sketchy, but we finally got to where we were headed. When we got to the street where we were gonna park, we were greeted by night time construction. We couldn't get past at all, so we decided to drive down another street and come at it from the other side. We parked near a train station and headed down a dark side street that went under an old stone over pass.
  When we hit the train tracks we followed them for a while and almost ended up on top of the construction again. Our only choice was to climb down the drop off onto the trail below us. We knew the trail would be right by the river, and that was where we needed to be.
  We finally got down there and kept moving. That was when we realized the construction was on the trail too. We decided there was no way we were gonna see the waterworks and turned around and headed back the way we came, but this time on the trail instead of the tracks. Walking along the trail we saw the spillway across the river and some other cool structures.
  Eventually there was a big slab of granite that we decided to chill on for a few minutes. We noticed a campfire way upstream and on the other side of the river. We also noticed smaller lights around it. The irasian decided to start trying to signal them with his led flashlight, I joined in an after a while they actually noticed us and started signaling back. We had fun with that for a few minutes when we suddenly heard voices.
  A group of teens came around the corner and you could smell the alcohol a mile a way. They started talking to us about a mansion that was in the area that they wanted to find. They asked us to come with and we declined. We warned em about the construction but they went anyway. We got up and headed the other way.
  As we were walking down the dark path, the irasian tripped over something and grumbled. I was behind him and noticed what he tripped wasn't dirt or roots but some kinda concrete that went all the way across the trail. I turned on my flash light and followed it into the brush next to the trail. There was a slight opening and when I shined my light in, I saw it. We had just tripped over our destination.

  We crawled into the bushes and found a large concrete walkway that ended next to a large metal locke wall. The drop off was about 10-15 feet. In order to get across we would have to go out and find a better way down. Just as we turned around we heard the teens coming back. We were still in the bushes so we turned off all our lights and ducked down. They walked right by us and never even noticed. Once they were gone, we hopped out and found a new way down.
  Once we were down there we walked along the bottom, looking up at where we had been. There were small tunnels that led into the dam and lock next to us, above us on the concrete were the broken remains of the waterworks building. We climb up a concrete slope on the other side and made our way in to the building.
There was no ceiling and inside we found the rusted remains of old metal wheels and cogs. They were about 3 feet in diameter. They were bolted into the concrete and hung above large pits. All the windows were either gone or cemented closed. We walked along the back side near an old metal railing, and found some steps that led down to the water. There was graffiti everywhere. After seeing everything we could, and running out of batteries way to soon, we decided to head back home. We followed the trail and headed back to the train station.
  The irasian and I had a lot of fun and we are definitely gonna go back during the daytime to get better pictures. This spot was great, lots to check out, not hard to get to but not easy either, and not a lot of people. Though that may be because it was so late at night. Enjoy the few pics we got.

NOTE: after doing a little more research I've realized we didn't find the water work we found a lock station near the water works!