
Google Plus - It's about damn time!

  I'm in fan boy heaven right now. Over the past year or so, after a shoddy mobile experience and a photo system that's rotten to it's core, I've slowly gotten more an more annoyed with facebook. I wouldn't say I hate it but I'm always waiting for it's replacement. And suddenly, my favorite tech company bursts onto the scene with g+.
  I was thoroughly let down by wave and buzz just became a boring feed of useless and mostly automated data. So let down that when I first heard about plus, I said fuck it, and decided not to even bother trying to get an invite. After that first night I started to hear some of the preliminary reviews and it got my attention. Now I wanted an invite and it didn't seem like I had a good shot at getting one.
  Then something weird happened, I got an email from someone in china. It was all in chinese so I couldn't read it, but there was a hyperlink and the url was in english. plus.google.com/allkindsofcodeystuff. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was either an oops email or I just got an invite from a stranger. My gut screamed scam, but I know how to read a url and this link was clearly to a google site.
  I clicked it and it took me to my new profile page. The only problem is it was all in han, I couldn't read anything but my name. Fortunately google translate came to my rescue. It took me a while to figure out how to change my language settings inside plus. I also had to ditch all my default circles because even after the language switch, they were in han.
  So far I am loving g+. The interface is slick and the concept works. I like how easily the circles work when adding people, and I like that adding people works more like twitter than facebook. It's cool to be able to basically follow people. Pictures are a breeze but the android apps need a little work. It's still early though and google says this is just the beginning. So I have hopes.
  I really can't believe it took google this long to seriously enter the social scene. This is what wave and buzz should have been. I'm glad they got it together but I really hope it's not to late. Facebook is a beast now. It's huge and it's grown outside it's main perimeter and entrenched itself on the web. They have login and their commenting system everywhere. It's going to be very difficult to dominate them.
  As a show of support I've disabled all my fbconnect logins and I've started removing my older fb content. Nothing major yet, but hopefully soon I won't have to straddle two networks at once. I can't wait to see where things go from here.